The day after the cross in Loenhout and exactly one day before New Year's Eve, the eleventh of a total of fourteen rounds in...
Mathieu van der Poel was as dominant as expected in the Exact Azencross in Loenhout. After about half an hour, the world cham...
Fem van Empel had to settle for second place in the Gavere World Cup on Tuesday afternoon. The 21-year-old world champion thu...
Puck Pieterse is back! With a primal scream, she crossed the finish line as the winner in the World Cup in Gavere. The hither...
Mathieu van der Poel once again proved to be the best in the World Cup in Gavere on Tuesday afternoon. The five-time world ch...
Wout van Aert managed to follow the pace of Mathieu van der Poel for two rounds in the World Cup in Gavere, but in the third...
Even on Tuesday after the World Cup race in Gavere, there seems to be no match for Mathieu van der Poel. The five-time world...
For years, Anna Kay was known as one of the greatest cyclocross talents. And that was no surprise, since she finished third a...
Cycling-loving Holland was able to enjoy Fem van Empel and Mathieu van der Poel again Saturday in Antwerp, but in the shadow...
Lucinda Brand was trailing Fem van Empel by 18 seconds during the World Cup in Antwerp. Spread out over six rounds, that come...
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